I snapped this picture while driving through Shenandoah National Park with my brother. At the time, I wasn’t sure why I felt compelled to have him pull over while I risk getting flattened by an oncoming vehicle. This was exactly what the roads looked like that day. Upon reflection, I feel as though it also depicts the figurative road I’m currently on. The only certainty is that the road shall continue for as long as I’m alive. I must put my faith and trust in it being the road I’m supposed to be on…and keep moving forward!
Ambitions are generally heightened at the start of the year, but my new goal has nothing to do with the new year. I’ve always kept mental milestones of my accomplishments in golf. Over the years, it has become exceedingly more difficult to reach new heights with my game. Now more than ever, I want to set a new personal record. I want to break par. There. I said it. I also know it’s not enough to simply want something. It’ll require the scary thing called CHANGE, perseverance, mental fortitude, and luck. But hey, that’s what I love about this game…the endless pursuit of something greater!
Of course, there’s more to life than golf but I sense that this personal endeavor will lead to things I could never even imagine.